Tuesday 10 July 2018

You Helped Me Uncover Pinnacle of My Strength! (7 Dec 2018)

I uncover so many layers inside me from the day I felt your first kick inside me. You helped me uncover my greatest power and strength. I don't know if its your innocent eyes , your action of clinging on me for comfort or what world calls the strength of motherhood BUT never did I know that I had the potential to tolerate this threshold of pain, stay awake for nights at stretch, manage a wheelchair, talk politely to doctors to get you out when I wanted to give them a tight slap......... You made me realize how weak I was before you came to my life and how much latent strength was hidden under me. You are my bundle of joy, little Kriday!

Thursday 31 May 2018

Day It All Began (5 Dec)

The nurse brought a little face wrapped in all green to me. “It’s a boy” he murmured “and needs mother’s touch.” he whispered. Completely numb and exhausted I looked at those big eyes shuttering at me. Pristine and immaculate they were, pulling me towards them. Dumbstuck, I kept looking at him as they took him swiftly away.

Wednesday 30 May 2018


Someone told me few years ago that parenthood is an experience of a different level altogether. While you would only talk of challenges, there would be no words that are right enough to express your emotion, contentment, and experience. Today , I feel overwhelmed and charged but a tomorrow will come when all this will fade into faint memories. Facts and important events may stay but feelings , pleasure,titillation will be impossible to recreate . This is my little attempt to muse about the past and recreate this emotional journey ....